The story revolves around Narumi Kouki, a high school student who also draws a manga serialized in a weekly magazine. Because the manga he draws is a risqué romantic comedy, he keeps this fact a secret from everyone around him, with his younger sister Toa and his sister's best friend Mihiro being the only ones who know.
But one day, as the student council president Rokuonji Kaoruko is searching for male members for the student council, she finds out that Kouki is the manga's author. Kouki joins the student council in exchange for Kaoruko not revealing his secret. However, the vice president, Sakuragi R. Ashe, strongly opposes him joining, and in the midst of all this, various requests and troubles of students begin to pile up.
Title: Wagamama High Spec
Original title: ワガママハイスペック
Year: Japan 2015-12-23, English 2017-07-27
Length: Long (30 - 50 hours)
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Adult version
But one day, as the student council president Rokuonji Kaoruko is searching for male members for the student council, she finds out that Kouki is the manga's author. Kouki joins the student council in exchange for Kaoruko not revealing his secret. However, the vice president, Sakuragi R. Ashe, strongly opposes him joining, and in the midst of all this, various requests and troubles of students begin to pile up.
Original title: ワガママハイスペック
Year: Japan 2015-12-23, English 2017-07-27
Length: Long (30 - 50 hours)
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Adult version
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OS: Windows 7 or above
Processor: 1.2 GHz Pentium 4
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 1280 x 720
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 7 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectSound-compatible sound card